Hollaaaaaawww!!! Maaf maaf maaf udah lama ga ngepost
Gue mau cerita niiih..
Skarang gue di Baliiii cihuy uy uyy..
Ini gue ngepost juga gara2 gue ngerasa mood banget untuk nyeritain masalah Bali XD
Kemarin siang gue berangkat dari Jakarta ke Surabaya, nginep semalem di Surabaya..
Trus siang ini, skitar jam 2an, gue ama nyokap gue tercintaaaaaa muah muah terbang ke bali ohohohoho
This is my first time at Bali :D so, I'm kinda excited XD
Gue tiba di Bali dengan perasaan luar biasa. Dari airport, kami dijemput sama supirnya temen nyokap. Sebenernya sih kita udah di bookingin hotel di deket pantai Kuta, but my mom wants to stay at her friend's house first. So, we drove for about an hour to make it to Ubud. I enjoy admiring the view here, it's very traditional and kinda peaceful.
Tonight, my mom's friend's family took us for a ride. Oops, I forgot, I saw a thing called the 'ogoh-ogoh' earlier when we're on the way to Ubud. Just about a couple hour ago, all of us went to somekind of festival called 'ngaben' (I'm sorry, I don't really know what festival is it), I do heard that ngaben is somekind of ceremony for a cremation, but I don't know any further. Sorry (again)
And here's a funny thing about tonight. I was building a new 'ME', and I want to be a 'ME' my old self again. I want to change my style. My old style was somekind of a girl that don't care about anything, stay cool, don't care anything that people said about me. Because I'm just being ME.
Ok ok, back to those funny thing.
Jadi, tadi tuh kita ke acara ngaben itu, acaranya kaya' festival seni. Oke skip itu deh. Ceritanya kami mau balik ke parkiran, pas di jalan mau balik (masih di sekitar lapangan festivalnya) ada cowo tuhh rame2 *ane kagak berani liat*, dia manggil2 gue "Cewe.. Cewee" buahahahaa mulai da gue salting gituu. Tambah lagi..... Nyokap saya, manggil2 nama saya, wakaka, parah2. Kan manggil "nadya, nadyaa.." gitu. Wiih cowo2 ntu jadi tau nama gue, dan ikut2an manggil gueeee!! Aaarrgh maluuuuuu!! Wkwkwk, tapi gue agak geli sih jadinya..
Haha, I admit, girl sometimes need some sweet and unimportant words from guys :p
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